September 16, 2021


Are you ready to go play and have some fun? Playtime is the perfect opportunity for children to interact with classmates. Play helps children to develop their language, imagination, dexterity, gross motor, problem-solving, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Children get the chance to interact and converse with their friends, allowing them to build friendships, share ideas and express their feelings.

Play allows children to use their creativity and is important to healthy brain development. It is through play where children at a very early age begin to engage and interact with the world around them.

Additionally, our soft play areas provide a safe and fun environment for young children to build their confidence and develop essential life skills. In this space, all their senses are stimulated and they are more inclined to engage with others. It is a fun space where a child can be free to explore!

Please join us as we give you a sneak peek into our newly revamped play spaces.